
Our Team is Your Team

Sagacity is the vehicle and the publishing platform to bring your words of wisdom to the world.

We partner with business titans, global leaders and change agents who possess a distinct level of wisdom. Whose lives, achievements, good judgment, values and careers make them fonts of wisdom on the world stage and page.

Our leadership team is comprised of industry experts who each lives and breathes to serve those leaders who possess and share sagacity. With an average of two decades of experience each, this prestigious team has run side-by-side with the world’s most sought after thinkers, leaders and changemakers on the great pusuit of impact and legacy.

Suzanne Leonard

Founder and CEO

Suzanne Leonard is one of a handful of holistic strategic experts within the business leadership, intellectual property, publishing, speaking and training industry. Her expertise began more than two decades ago, as she drove the Global Speed of Trust Practice with Stephen M. R. Covey from a startup into a renowned speaking and training business, with The Speed of Trust enjoying 42 weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list. This led to the company’s acquisition by FranklinCovey and to Suzanne’s launch of her own firm developing iconic and emerging leaders while strategically scaling their organizations. Under her new venture, she built a 52-country network of organizations and leaders with the sole mission to expose the world to great wisdom.
Kim Gorsuch


Kim is the CEO and Founder of Weeva, Inc., a social publisher specializing in elegantly designed thought leadership and legacy books. Prior to Weeva, Kim served as LendingTree’s SVP for Strategy and M&A, where she was a key driver of the company’s growth to $750M in revenue. In her previous senior executive position, at IBM, she jointly pioneered the company’s transition to business and strategy consulting, working with financial services companies from American Express to Citigroup. Kim leads the Physical and eBook Publishing division at Sagacity Publishing Group, where she is also a strategic Partner.

Dr. Lory Moore

Executive Director - Operations

Lory is an award-winning advocate, educator and former judge who trains visionaries she dubs “the new heroes” to multiply their impact by sowing seeds back in society and establishing a legacy. She teaches a college curriculum that she devised exploring social entrepreneurship, and is at the forefront of a rising movement that advances giving -- bringing purpose to profits -- as the surest path to business success. An alumna of Abilene Christian University and Baylor Law School, Lory completed her solicitor’s education at the University of Oxford through NYU Law School.

Todd Nordstrom

Director - Content Development

After a quarter-century of making his living as a successful writer, 12-time bestselling ghost and book marketer, Todd Nordstrom has become the go-to guy for global thought leaders, gurus and celebrities. He is one of the publishing industry’s top experts you have never heard of. Why? Todd is a ghost, writer that is … and builds world-class brands around authors.
Laura Blum

Director - Editorial

Laura has a distinguished pedigree in her editorial, curating and strategic communications careers. Her editing and ghostwriting credits span global and national bestsellers translated into 30 languages. Clients and partnerships include: Esther Perel, Val Kilmer, former Warner Bros. President Edward Bleier, Random House, HarperCollins Publishers, The Museum of Modern Art, The White House, US Department of State, United Nations, The Rockefeller Foundation, Film at Lincoln Center, Smithsonian Institution, The Metropolitan Opera Guild, The Consulate General of France, AT&T, IBM, Time Warner Inc. and The New York Times Company.